About Us

We Provides Best Advice to Improve your CIBIL SCORE

Debt Counsellor is committed to helping every citizen of this country to improve their credit profile and creditworthiness. Our aim is not just to assist people in resolving their default accounts, but to empower them to make sound financial decisions To start with, we provide you a detailed credit report where you can check your credit score, loan eligibility, credit health, and list of bad accounts. We also provide you with personalized insights and solution.

Our Mission

Everyone deserves to feel confident about their finances. Our gives you the tools, the education and the opportunities you need to make real, meaningful progress.

Thinking about your finances can be frustrating, but we’re working to make the process simpler and easier to understand for over 5000 Debt Counsellor members.

Our History

Since we got started we have always pushed for bigger and better. Here’s a look at where we came from.

Fun Facts

Facts For Choosing Us

Happy Clients
250 +
Projects Done
60 +
Expert People
250 +